
Museum Models and Services in Monterey, CA.

Copy of a three cornered stone Zemi from the Taino culture. Built for the education department of El Museo del Barrio,N.Y.C. A rolling cart, 8 feet long, it was built to separate into two locking sections. The smaller section has a felt board to help narrate the lesson, the large section had shelves and storage space so artifacts and lesson plan elements could be brought in securely among a crowd of young students.

Copy of a three cornered stone Zemi from the Taino culture. Built for the education department of El Museo del Barrio,N.Y.C.. A rolling cart,8 feet long,it was built to separate into two locking sections,the smaller section had a felt board to help narrate the lesson,the large section had shelves and storage space so artifacts and lesson plan elements could be brought in securely among a crowd of young students.

Copy of a three cornered stone Zemi from the Taino culture. Built for the education department of El Museo del Barrio,N.Y.C.. A rolling cart,8 feet long,it was built to separate into two locking sections,the smaller section had a felt board to help narrate the lesson,the large section had shelves and storage space so artifacts and lesson plan elements could be brought in securely among a crowd of young students.

Copy of a three cornered stone Zemi from the Taino culture. Built for the education department of El Museo del Barrio,N.Y.C.. A rolling cart,8 feet long,it was built to separate into two locking sections,the smaller section had a felt board to help narrate the lesson,the large section had shelves and storage space so artifacts and lesson plan elements could be brought in securely among a crowd of young students.

The "rungs"(nucleotides) of the DNA model are four position rotary switches.The viewer virtually enacts changes in the genetic sequence by turning the switches and changing the pattern of colors.The proper sequence results in visible changes in the fruit fly shown in the displays monitor.Built for the American Museum of Natural Historys' "Genomic Revolution" exhibit.

Building an armature to form a helical mold. Used to construct the pattern for the risers of the "Mutation Station" American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

Installing the switches,wiring and board mounted led panels into the "rungs" of the "Mutation Station" American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

The Mutation Station was built with the collaborative efforts of programming and electronic engineers ,designers, and craftsmen. The interactive was constructed in just over two months, and toured with the "Genomic Revolution" exhibit internationally for 8 years without need for maintenance or repair, in spite of constant and heavy use. American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

A copy of a sled from Amundsens polar expedition, copied from the original in the AMNH's collection. Seen here being drawn out from a protective shaft in the ice, a recreated scene from the expedition. Race to the End of the Earth, American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

A copy of a sled from Amundsens polar expedition, copied from the original in the AMNH's collection. Seen here being drawn out from a protective shaft in the ice, a recreated scene from the expedition. Race to the End of the Earth, American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

A copy of a sled from Amundsens polar expedition,copied from the original in the AMNH's collection Race to the End of the Earth American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

Surrounded by a rolling ocean, the museum visitor recreates the experience of taking the navigational coordinates from a ships sextant. The visitor would virtually plot the suns position as their surroundings seemed to move. Appearing on a monitor before them would be a mapped position based on readings from the sextant interface. Shackleton American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

A very complicated example of molding and casting, the AMNH's mounted copy of a Diatryma had its vertebrae fused in place, making a surface filled with holes and crevices.The casts that were made from these molds had an iron armature cast within the skeleton, allowing maximum visibility of the skeleton. Fossil Halls American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

Paramys skeleton,positioned in a"living"pose,then molded. Cast in colored polyester, surface painted in oils. American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

Copy of molded fossil Protohippus skeleton. Cast in colored polyesther resin,surface painted with oil paints.See the unborn foal skeleton between the mares' ribs and pelvis. Permanent collection,A.M.N.H. fossil mammals exhibit.American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

Protohippus fossil, as received from collecting , still in the field jacket.The sand that surrounds this specimen is loose ,and would flow if the fossil were to be shown upright. American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

Cast urethane models,10" wide at base of "bell" Realistic models of the deep sea coronate medusa Periphylla periphylla. Tierpark Hagenbeck Hamburg, Germany

Cast urethane model of Diplulmaris antarctica. Tierpark Hagenbeck Hamburg, Germany

Cast urethane model, 12" width of disc. Attica Evolution Center Athens Greece Horniman Museum South London,UK Gondwana Evolution Museum, Berlin,Germany

Cast urethane model, 12" width of disc. Attica Evolution Center Athens Greece Horniman Museum South London,UK Gondwana Evolution Museum, Berlin,Germany

An interactive model of a DNA chain, it starts as a fully dimensional sculpture at its base.The elements of the base respond to the proximity of the viewers hand and light up. In turn similar elements are lit up in the base, and so on further up the model as it transforms into a bas relief. Moey,Inc. Brooklyn,N.Y.

An interactive model of a DNA chain,it starts as a fully dimensional sculpture at its base.The elements of the base respond to the proximity of the viewers hand and light up,in turn similar elements are lit up in the base,and so on further up the model as it transforms into a bas relief. Moey,Inc. Brooklyn,N.Y.

An interactive model of a DNA chain, it starts as a fully dimensional sculpture at its base.The elements of the base respond to the proximity of the viewers hand and light up. In turn similar elements are lit up in the base, and so on further up the model as it transforms into a bas relief. Moey,Inc. Brooklyn,N.Y.

Made for the "Earthquake; Life on a Dynamic Planet" exhibit California Academy of Sciences San Francisco,Ca.

Violin and Clarinet, music interactive. Child friendly versions of a clarinet and violin, manipulation changes the volume of the relative instruments in the background music of the exhibit. Peanuts exhibit Moey,Inc. Brooklyn,N.Y.

Epoxy and urethane "dragons eggs", formed with a capacitive plate inside,the display reacts to the close proximity of the viewer to the eggs with various sounds. Moey Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Robert Moog commissioned me to design a contemporary theremin in 1991. Big Briar Asheville,N.C.

Sports Illustrated hired me to make 25 copies of their traditional "Sportsman of the Year" trophy. Sports Illustrated magazine New York

Cast urethane models of assorted virus.Made for the A.M.N.H. traveling exhibit,"Epidemics" American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

Cast urethane model of an adenovirus,being removed from its mold.Made for the A.M.N.H. traveling exhibit,"Epidemics" American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

A recreation of the cargo and hold of a chinese ship based on an underwater archeological site for the "Silk Roads"exhibit. American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

A recreation of the cargo and hold of a chinese ship based on an underwater archeological site. Silk Roads American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

Mekong Catfish,Pangasianodon gigas. 1/6 Scale maquette based on photo reference. American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

Mekong Catfish,Pangasianodon gigas. Clay sculpture in progress. American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

Mekong Catfish,Pangasianodon gigas. Clay sculpture in progress. American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

Mekong Catfish,Pangasianodon gigas. Polyesther resin,acrylic and oil paint Water exhibition American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

"Walking Whale" Sculpted in clay and cast in fiberglass reinforced polyester, surface painted in acrylic and oil paint.The model transforms from a bas relief into a fully dimensional sculpture in order to fit within the traffic plan of the exhibit. "Extreme Mammals" traveling exhibit American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

"Walking Whale" Sculpted in clay and cast in fiberglass reinforced polyester, surface painted in acrylic and oil paint.The model transforms from a bas relief into a fully dimensional sculpture in order to fit within the traffic plan of the exhibit. "Extreme Mammals" traveling exhibit American Museum of Natural History New York, N.Y.

Smooth newt , Lissotriton vulgaris Durable model made especially for handling by school groups during a lesson in ecological awareness,made for the educational department of the Horniman Museum,South London,U.K.

Bronze 30"x48" 1986 A mantlepiece clock and candelabra set depicting the American wrestler King Kong Bundy, held aloft by dancing nymphs, flanked by kneeling torchbearers.The bas relief globe in Bundys hands is set with a zircon located in Atlantic city,N.J., King Kong Bundys' birthplace.The central figures are mounted to a hexagonal foliate base. series number 1/250,000. Private collection